Gerard Nicol (dgouws@aimhs.com.au)
Independent author


We will probably never know the extent of female-on-male violence because even before the perpetrator ponders accusing her victim of abuse, society does so on her behalf. It would appear that a simple unfounded accusation that a man sought the comfort of another woman, is enough to blame the victim for his own injuries. Feminists argue that male violence towards women exists because society tolerates violence against women, but some feminists clearly condone violence against men. Governments should allow access to the data they collect because every citizen has a right to know the truth about violence and crime; especially when those statistics are being used to justify hatred against a group of people in that society.

Keywords: male victims, female perpetrators, domestic violence, toxic masculinity, feminism

Author Biography

Gerard Nicol has 25 years of experience in enterprise storage management and data security. He welcomes any comments in relation to this article and is happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Please feel free to send Gerard a LinkedIn connection request, or to follow his LinkedIn contributions. See https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerardnicol/ 



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