We are pleased to bring our readers the second issue of Volume 13 of New Male Studies - An International Journal for 2024. As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness. We do emphasise that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues. We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
We are pleased to bring our readers the first issue of Volume 13 of New Male Studies - An International Journal for 2024.
As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness.
We do emphasise that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 12 No 2 (2023)
We are pleased to bring our readers the second issue of Volume 12 of New Male Studies - An International Journal for 2023. In this Issue we have article contributors from the the UK, US, Australia and West Indies, two of whom are new contributors to the Journal.
As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness.
We do emphasise that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies. An International JournalVol 12 No 1 (2023)
We are pleased to bring our readers the first issue of Volume 12 of New Male Studies - An International Journal for 2023. In this Issue we have article contributors from the the UK, US, Australia and West Indies, two of whom are new contributors to the Journal.
As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness.
We do emphasise that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies. An International JournalVol 11 No 2 (2022)
We are pleased to bring our readers Issue 2 of Volume 11 of New Male Studies - An International Journal. In this Issue we have article contributors from the the UK, South Africa, US and West Indies along with a photographic essay from Denmark.
As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness.
We do emphasise that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 11 No 1 (2022)
We are pleased to bring our readers the first issue of Volume 11 of New Male Studies - An International Journal. In this Issue we have two contributors from the UK, one from Poland, and one from USA, and one from the West Indies coauthoring with a colleague from India.
As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness.
We do emphasise that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 10 No 2 (2021)
We are pleased to bring our readers the second instalment of the tenth anniversary issue of New Male Studies - An International Journal , in Volume 10, Issue 2, 2021. COVID-19 is still with us as are the inevitable delays it brings among which include the late publication of this issue of the Journal. In Volume 10, Issue 2 we have contributors from the UK, the USA and Australia. As usual the content is thought-provoking with authors offering innovative research findings, enlightening commentary and challenging analysis and opinion in topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always it should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 10 No 1 (2021)
We are pleased to bring our readers our tenth anniversary issue, Volume Ten, Issue One, 2021 of New Male Studies - An International Journal. As with many other enterprises over the course of 2020/21, the NMS too has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and so this first issue for 2021 has been a little delayed. However, we have taken the opportunity to ugrade the engine that controls the Journal as well as make a few cosmetic changes. Regular readers may notice a change to the the website font and layout with several layout bugs now rectified and the biography of each author also now appearing on the abstract page of the website.
As is usual, in this issue the Journal publishes articles on a variety of topics each enriching our understanding of maleness, and of boy's and men's embodied experience. In this issue, we have contributors from the UK, the USA and Denmark. We hope you find the content thought-provoking as authors challenge currently accepted wisdom and traditional schools of thought as they explore topics that enrich the contemporary understanding of maleness. As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this issue of the Journal.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 9 No 2 (2020)
We are pleased to bring our readers Volume Nine, Issue Two, 2020 of New Male Studies - An International Journal, which publishes articles on a variety of topics that enrich our understanding of maleness, and of boy's and men's embodied experience.
In this issue, we have contributors from the UK, the West Indies, Japan, the USA and Denmark
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought-provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted wisdom and traditional schools of thought as is the case in this issue, which explores topics intended to enrich our contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this second issue of the Journal for 2019.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 9 No 1 (2020)
We are pleased to bring our readers Volume Nine, Issue One, 2020 of New Male Studies - An International Journal, which publishes articles on a variety of topics that enrich our understanding of maleness, and of boy's and men's embodied experience.
In this issue, we have contributors from Australia, the UK, the West Indies, the USA and Denmark
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought-provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted wisdom and traditional schools of thought as is the case in this issue, which explores topics intended to enrich our contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this second issue of the Journal for 2019.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Welcome to Volume Eight, Issue Two of New Male Studies - An International Journal, which publishes articles on a variety of topics that enrich our understanding of maleness, and of boy's and men's embodied experience.
In this issue, we have contributors from Denmark, the UK, the West Indies and the USA.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought-provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted wisdom and traditional schools of thought as is the case in this issue, which explores topics intended to enrich our contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this second issue of the Journal for 2019.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 8 No 1 (2019)
Welcome to Volume Eight, Issue One of New Male Studies - An International Journal, which publishes articles on a variety of topics that enrich our understanding of maleness, of boys’ and men’s embodied experience.
In this issue, we have contributors from Denmark, the UK, Canada, South Korea and the USA.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought-provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted ‘wisdom’ and traditional schools of thought in the case of this issue exploring topics intended to enrich our contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this first issue of the Journal for 2019.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 7 No 2 (2018)
Welcome to Volume seven, Issue two of New Male Studies - An International Journal, which publishes articles on a variety of topics that enrich our understanding of maleness, of boys’ and men’s embodied experience.
In this issue, we again have an international cast of authors with submissions from Australia, Denmark, the UK, Canada, and the USA.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought-provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted ‘wisdom’ and traditional schools of thought in the case of this issue exploring topics intended to enrich our contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence-based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this second issue of the Journal for 2018.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 7 No 1 (2018)Welcome to the latest issue of New Male Studies - An International Journal
In this issue we again have an international cast of authors with submissions from Australia, Canada, India, and the USA.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted ‘wisdom’ and traditional schools of thought in the case of this issue exploring topics intended to enrich our contemporary understanding of maleness.
As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this first issue of the Journal for 2018.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
Published: 2018-07-25 -
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 6 No 2 (2017)
Welcome to the latest issue of New Male Studies - An International Journal - Volume 6, Issue 2, 2017
In this issue we again have an international cast of authors with submissions from the USA, the UK, New Zealand, Denmark and Germany.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted ‘wisdom’ and traditional schools of thought in the case of this issue exploring topics including sexual harassment, post traumatic stress in returned servicement, divorce, male circumcision, male gynaecomastia, relationships and male child abuse. As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this second issue of the Journal for 2017.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
New Male Studies - An International JournalVol 6 No 1 (2017)
Welcome to the latest issue of New Male Studies - An International Journal - Volume 6, Issue 1, 2017
In this issue the Journal has certainly lived up to its reputation as an International Journal with submissions from the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Denmark and Germany.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted ‘wisdom’ and traditional schools of thought regarding gender, relationships, sexuality, education, men’s health and related issues. As always the authors present their positions based on well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought and sound evidence.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this first edition of the Journal for 2017.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.
Special Issue - Mud huts, haircuts and high school dropoutsVol 5 No 2 (2016)
This Special Issue of NMS comprises selected papers from the The 3rd Annual Male Psychology Conference, held at the University College London in June 2016, titled MUD HUTS, HAIRCUTS AND HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS. The issue has been kindly co-ordinated and edited by Dr John Barry of the Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, Faculty of Brain Sciences at the University College London, in the UK. The material included gives a sense of the exciting and eclectic mix of topics that is male psychology today (Click here to view the full conference program). We hope you enjoy reading about the relevance of mud huts, haircuts, high school dropouts and other delights in this Special Issue.
Monograph SeriesVol 5 (2016)
New Male Studies: An International Journal (NMS) inaugurates its monograph series with the essay In SEX DIFFERENCE EXPLAINED From DNA to Society: Purging Gene Copy Errors, by independent British researcher Steve Moxon.
In this monograph Steve argues that all major aspects of male-female human sociality necessarily stem from biological principles; which all arise in solving the core problem faced by all life-forms: the relentless build-up of mistakes in the repeated copying of genes. The 'genetic filtering' to deal with this is the function of the male: The female contribution is carefully to choose only the most dominant / prestigious males, cross-checking that indeed they do possess the best gene sets. This ensures genetic mutations and other errors that would seriously compromise reproduction are purged from the local gene pool.
The detailed treatise is solidly grounded in the biological and other sciences and is offered in the interests of stimulating lively, informed discussion. We hope you enjoy the first in the NMS series of Monographs.
Miles Groth, Editor NMS