Welcome to the latest issue of New Male Studies - An International Journal - Volume 6, Issue 2, 2017
In this issue we again have an international cast of authors with submissions from the USA, the UK, New Zealand, Denmark and Germany.
As usual, the Journal brings its readers challenging and thought provoking content intended to challenge currently accepted ‘wisdom’ and traditional schools of thought in the case of this issue exploring topics including sexual harassment, post traumatic stress in returned servicement, divorce, male circumcision, male gynaecomastia, relationships and male child abuse. As always the authors present their positions with well-reasoned argument underpinned by considered thought, sound evidence and in selected cases, lived experience.
It should be noted note that the opinions expressed by the authors herein do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal Editorial team. Papers offered here are presented in the spirit of open, evidence based dialogue regarding gender, relationships and related issues.
We hope you enjoy reading the eclectic mix of articles in this second issue of the Journal for 2017.
> Previous issues of the Journal are available here.
> Submission Guidelines are available here.
> NMS Bulletin available here.
> Website design and web hosting provided by the Australian Institute of Male Health and Studies.