Phillip Cook (
Philip W. Cook is the author of Abused Men-The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence


This paper presents an examination of adult male rape by adult females. Case examples are given, as is an analysis of crime statistics and other sources detailing the phenomena and its rarity or prevalence. The relatively new federal definition of rape is also examined as is the implications for the change in the legal field and in society at large. Portions of this article originally appeared in the book When Women Sexually Abuse Men: The Hidden Side of Rape, Stalking, Harassment, and Sexual Assault (Praeger, 2013) by Philip W. Cook, with Tammy Hodo, PhD.

Keywords: rape, sexual assault, male victims, female perpetrators

Author Biography

Former award-winning daily radio and television broadcast journalist Philip W. Cook is the author of Abused Men-The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence (ABC-Clio Second Edition 2009-Greenwood/Praeger First Edition 1997).  He is the author of the 2013 book, When Women Sexually Abuse Men-The Hidden Side of Rape, Stalking, Harassment and Sexual Assault with criminologist Tammy Hodo, PhD.   He is the co-author of articles in several peer-reviewed journals such as The Journal for Human Behavior in the Social Environment, and The Journal of Elder Abuse.  He has appeared on hundreds of radio stations, and many nationally broadcast television shows, as well as in numerous publications and in both local and national wire services, (Associated Press/ Canadian Associated Press) as well as daily newspapers. 

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