Male disadvantage in art and life

Diego Morales (
Diego Morales is an American writer.


Because it draws parallels between art and life and exposes the relevance of both to the lived experience of males, a text-to-world analysis is an excellent teaching-and-learning tool for men’s rights activists. This paper undertakes a text-to-world analysis of two plays and a film (Seneca’s Phaedra, August Strindberg’s The Father, and Sam Wood’s Casanova Brown), offering fresh insights into the consequences for men when people overvalue female sexuality and unquestioningly believe all women, dramatizing the disturbing experience for men of female-perpetrated domestic abuse, and exploring the frustrating limitations of fathers’ rights.

Keywords:  advocacy, discrimination, literary criticism, gender studies, men and boys

Author Biography

Diego Morales is an American writer. Combining his interest in gender and literature, he is dedicated to uncovering lost works that give a fuller account of male experience.

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