The boy wound

Jerome Teelucksingh (
Lecturer in the History Department at the University of the West Indies.


The boy wound reflects experiences of abuse, hurt, neglect and hate resulting in a painful state of incompleteness. If a boy is neglected or abused, his crucial transition into manhood will be even more difficult. A boy who is physically abused might later see physical abuse as a medium to demand respect or as an acceptable form of punishment. A boy must be taught how to turn his anger, depression and pain into success. If we do not embrace and nurture our boys, then the wrong persons will be their role models. It might by then be too late to heal the boy wound. And, if the boy wound is allowed to fester then the society will become very sick.

Keywords: boys, males, masculinity, men, World Day of the Boy Child

Author Biography

Jerome Teelucksingh is a Lecturer in the History Department at the University of the West Indies. He revived International Men’s Day (19 November) and also initiated the inaugural observance of World Day of the Boy Child (16 May). Dr. Teelucksingh has been promoting International Men’s Day since 1999, and it is now celebrated in approximately 70 countries

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